Theme 1’s Document Analysis involved compiling and analyzing existing documents and empirical data sets to uncover policy dynamics in PSE in relation to Canadian sustainability issues. This part of the project included:

Sustainability Census

SEPN has conducted a census of sustainability features in all of Canada’s accredited post-secondary institutions.  For the census, SEPN collected and analyzed publicly available data on sustainability initiatives for all Canadian accredited 220 post-secondary institutions. The team also developed Sustainability Initiative (SI) Scores which ranked institutions on their uptake of four high-level sustainability initiatives:

The PSE census will provide us with a greater understanding of which factors contribute to the implementation of sustainability policy at the PSE level across Canada.  The research results can be found here.

SEPN has also conducted two sustainability censuses at the EC-12 level: one of all 289 school boards and the other examining all 13 provincial/territorial Ministries of Education.

Content Analysis of Policy Documents

SEPN sampled 50 post-secondary institutions (approximately three PSE institutions per province/territory) and examined strategic plans and other foundational documents, including completed sustainability assessments. Relevant national and international documents (e.g., UN declarations) that may influence regional policy adoption were also examined.

The documents were analyzed using critical policy analysis drawing on discourse theory.