Saskatoon Public Schools (SPS) and the Sustainability and Education Policy Network (SEPN) at the University of Saskatchewan (USask) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to further sustainability and climate change education initiatives.
JUNE 22, 2020
The new agreement supports sustainability and climate change education for SPS administrators and teachers, and includes the development of programming that helps K-12 students gain knowledge and be active in sustainable living, engaged citizenship and well-being. SPS and SEPN will also collaborate on opportunities for sustainability and climate change-related research.
“As a public school division, our role is to support our entire community, which includes developing the next generation of citizens who will contribute to it,” said SPS Board Chair Colleen MacPherson. “This partnership with SEPN will present our students with valuable learning about the environment, but also actively engage them in being citizens and understanding their role both locally and globally. This type of learning is not only significant for the students, but also for our community.”
The path to the MOU began in the fall of 2019 as a response to student interest in the Global Climate Strike demonstrations. This led to discussions between SPS and Dr. Marcia McKenzie (PhD), director of SEPN and professor in the USask College of Education.
“SPS was enthusiastic about the idea of working together to help engage teachers and students in inquiry-based education that strives for climate action,” said McKenzie. “Today’s youth are very aware of the climate crisis and they would like to see their teachers, their schools and the school division engaged in leadership on the environment as well.”
Click here to read the full article on the University of Saskatchewan’s Research News site.