The following is a list of select conference presentations delivered by SEPN team members:
McKenzie, M. (2019, July). Panel commentary on learning dimensions in ESD/GCED learning. UNESCO Forum, Towards a Just and Sustainable World, HaNoi, Vietnam.
Benavot, A. (2019, July). Cognitive, social and emotional, and behavioural learning in Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship from pre-primary to secondary education. UNESCO 2019 Forum on Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship, Ha Noi, Viet Nam.
McKenzie, M. (2019, June). Tracking progress and reporting Action for Climate Empowerment implementation. UNFCCC 7th Dialogue on Action for Climate Empowerment, Bonn, Germany.
McKenzie, M. (2018, May). Sustainability in K-12 and higher education in Canada. Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) – Canada launch, plenary panel on ‘Education and training for sustainability,’ University of Waterloo, Ontario.
Hargis, K. (2019, May). Practicing Climate Actions: A Practice Perspective on Climate Change Education. Canadian Network for Environmental Education and Communication 2019 Conference, Saskatoon, SK.
McKenzie, M., & Chopin, N. (2019, May) Sustainability education policy forum. Pre-conference workshop offered at the Canadian Network for Environmental Education and Communication 2019 Pre-Conference, Saskatoon, SK.
McKenzie, M., Stahelin, N., & Reid, A. (2019, April). Policy networking: Examining the social relations of global governance in ESE policy programs. Comparative & International Education Society, San Francisco, CA.
Chopin, N. (December 2018). Global climate change education monitoring. UNESCO Global Education Meeting, Brussels, Belgium.
McKenzie, M., Hargis, K., Reid, A., Li, Y., & Monroe, M. (2018, October). Trajectories in climate change education and research. North American Educational Research Association Research Symposium, Spokane, Washington.
McKenzie, M. (August, 2018). Precarity, competition, care: Registers of affect in education policy mobilities. Melbourne Graduate School of Education.
McKenzie, M. (2018, May). Sustainability in K-12 and Higher Education in Canada. Sustainable Development Solutions Network Canada: National Launch. Waterloo, ON.
Chopin, N. (2018, April). Building Climate-Ready Schools. Workshop series presented at the 2018 ASPnet National Conference, Winnipeg, MB.
McKenzie, M. (2018, April). The Multi-scalar Policy Mobilities of Sustainability Education. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, New York, NY.
McKenzie, M., & Reid, A. (2018, April). What Matters in Climate Change Education? American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, New York, NY.
McKenzie, M. (2018). Where research takes place: Investigating culture, labor, borders, solidarity, and mapping through critical place inquiry, invited discussant. American Educational Research Association, New York, NY.
Maina, N. (2017, December). Mobility and climate action: A review of the divestment movement in Canadian PSE institutions. Graduate Students’ Association 3rd Annual Sustainability Slam, Saskatoon, SK.
19. *Maina, N. (2017, December). Mobility and climate action: A review of the divestment movement in Canadian PSE institutions. School of Environment and Sustainability Seminar Series, Saskatoon, SK.
McKenzie, M. (2017, November). Mitigating climate change through education: A review of research and implications. UNESCO Pavilion, UNFCCC Committee of the Parties (COP) 23, Bonn, Germany.
McKenzie, M. (2017, November). Comparative national research on sustainability. Freie University, Berlin, Germany.
McKenzie, M., Ardoin, R., & Kermish-Allen, R. (2016, October). Collaborative tools for large scale research projects. Research Symposium workshop, North American Association for Environmental Education, Madison, WI.
Murray, J., McKenzie, M., Hargis, K., Maina-Okori, N. (2017, October). Sustainability engagement in higher education: Findings and perspectives from a pan-Canadian comparative study. School of Environment and Sustainability Seminar Series, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK.
McKenzie, M., Reid A., Benavot, A., Bengtsson, S., Buckler, C., & Heiss, J. (2017, September). Measurement, evaluation, and research of education and the sustainable development goals. World Environmental Education Congress, Vancouver, BC.
25. McKenzie, M., & Reid, A. (2017, September). Climate change education: International commitments, national strategies, and the role of research. World Environmental Education Congress, Vancouver, BC.
McKenzie, M., & Stahelin, N. (2017, September). A comparative case study approach to researching environmental and sustainability education. World Environmental Education Congress, Vancouver, BC.
Regier, R. & McKenzie, M. (2017, September). Influences on the development and mobilization of sustainability in education policy. World Environmental Education Congress, Vancouver, BC. (with contributions from other team members)
McKenzie, M., Aikens, K., Chopin, N.S., Haluza-Delay, R., & Murray, J. (2017, September). The uptake of sustainability in education: An analysis of the relationships between policy and practice. Roundtable presentation at the World Environmental Education Conference, Vancouver, Canada.
Young, A.T. & Aikens, K. (2017, May). The Sustainability and Education Policy Network: Learning from a pan-Canadian project. Canadian Network for Environmental Education and Communication (EECOM), Wolfville, Nova Scotia.
Koushik, J.R. (2017, March). Emplacing Sustainability Education Policy and Practice (Presentation). School of Environment and Sustainability (SENS) Symposium Day, Saskatoon, SK.
Koushik, J.R. (2016, October). Intersectionality, Gender, and Sustainability Policy in Canadian Higher Education (Facilitated Discussion). 2016 North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) Research Symposium, Madison, WI.
Koushik, J.R. (2016, October). Vibrant Intersectionalities – Gender, Culture, Power, Queer: Emergent Gender Research in Environmental Education (Research Workshop). Co-facilitators: Marna Hauk, Institute for Earth Regenerative Studies and Prescott College; Jesse Bazzul, University of Regina; Clare Hintz, Journal of Sustainability Education; Mandisa Wood, Napa Valley College. 2016 North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) Research Symposium, Madison, WI.
Koushik, J.R. (2016, October). Considerations of place in sustainability education policy (Roundtable Discussion). 2016 North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) Annual Conference, Madison, WI.
Koushik, J.R. (2016, October). Quilting Vibrant Intersectional Feminisms: From Theory to Practice (Symposium). Co-facilitators: Marna Hauk, Institute for Earth Regenerative Studies and Prescott College; Jesse Bazzul, University of Regina; Clare Hintz, Journal of Sustainability Education; Mandisa Wood, Napa Valley College. 2016 North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) Annual Conference, Madison, WI.
Murray, J. (2016, October). Student sustainability activism in Canadian post-secondary. Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education Conference and Expo, Baltimore, Maryland.
Maina, N. (2016, October). How higher education can engage international students to achieve sustainability, social justice, and equity. Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education Conference and Expo, Baltimore, Maryland.
Maina, N. (2016, October). Impact beyond campus: Promoting non-competitive and caring sustainability scholars training through collaborative writing. Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education Conference and Expo, Baltimore, Maryland.
Aikens, K. & McKenzie, M. (2016, August). Sustainability and Education Policy: National Research on K-12 Education in Canada. Canadian Network for Environmental Education and Communication Annual Conference, International Peace Garden, Manitoba.
Aikens, K., & Murray, J. (2016, August). Climate change and education: A SWOT analysis of the Canadian public education system. Canadian Network for Environmental Education and Communication (EECOM). Bossevain, Manitoba.
Aikens, K. (2016, August). A policy mobilities case study of Education for Sustainable Development. Environmental & Sustainability Education Research (ESER) Summer Doctoral School. Homerton College, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK.
Wilson, A. (2016, June). Intersections of land-based, environmental, and sustainability education (Symposium). Connecting Education and Environment: Mobilizing sustainability in education policy, practice, and research, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
Young, A. (2016, June). Eco-certification programs and sustainability engagement (Symposium). Connecting Education and Environment: Mobilizing sustainability in education policy, practice, and research, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
Rickinson, M. (2016, June). Eco-certification programs and sustainability engagement (Symposium). Connecting Education and Environment: Mobilizing sustainability in education policy, practice, and research, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
Herbert, Y. (2016, June). Campus sustainability stakeholders: Participation in policymaking (Symposium). Connecting Education and Environment: Mobilizing sustainability in education policy, practice, and research, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
Reid, A. (2016, June). Climate change communication and education (Symposium). Connecting Education and Environment: Mobilizing sustainability in education policy, practice, and research, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
Bell, D. (2016, June). Sustainability and teacher education (Symposium). Connecting Education and Environment: Mobilizing sustainability in education policy, practice, and research, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
Fallon, G. (2016, June). Working with data & theory in sustainability education research (Symposium). Connecting Education and Environment: Mobilizing sustainability in education policy, practice, and research, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
Boulet, M. (2016, June). Working with data & theory in sustainability education research (Symposium). Connecting Education and Environment: Mobilizing sustainability in education policy, practice, and research, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
Bieler, A. (2016, June). Working with data & theory in sustainability education research (Symposium). Connecting Education and Environment: Mobilizing sustainability in education policy, practice, and research, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
Haluza-DeLay, R. (2016, June). Intersectionality, environmental justice, and urban education (Symposium). Connecting Education and Environment: Mobilizing sustainability in education policy, practice, and research, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
Wright, T. (2016, June). Future directions for sustainability in higher education research (Symposium). Connecting Education and Environment: Mobilizing sustainability in education policy, practice, and research, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
Wals, A. (2016, June). Future directions for sustainability in higher education research (Symposium). Connecting Education and Environment: Mobilizing sustainability in education policy, practice, and research, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
Shaker, E. (2016, June). Partnerships for sustainability action (Symposium). Connecting Education and Environment: Mobilizing sustainability in education policy, practice, and research, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
Murray, J. (2016, June). Mobility and climate change: A review of the divestment movement in Canadian PSE institutions. Connecting Education and Environment: Mobilizing sustainability in education policy, practice, and research, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
Millsip, K. (2016, June). Youth activism, environment, and education (Symposium). Connecting Education and Environment: Mobilizing sustainability in education policy, practice, and research, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
Peters, M. (2016, June). Sustainability, economy, and democracy (Symposium). Connecting Education and Environment: Mobilizing sustainability in education policy, practice, and research, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
Bly, A. (2016, June). The politics of energy and investment in higher education (Symposium). Connecting Education and Environment: Mobilizing sustainability in education policy, practice, and research, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
Vizina, Y. (2016, April). Sustainability and Indigenous Knowledges in Aboriginal Post-Secondary Education Places of Learning. 4th Annual Canadian Symposium on Indigenous Teacher Education: Moving Towards Reconciliation in Teacher Education, Mi’kmaq Wolastoqey Centre, Fredericton, New Brunswick.
Bieler, A. (2016, April). Strategic planning for sustainability in Canadian higher education policymaking, Presented at the 2016 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
Maina, N. (2016, April). Enacting sustainability in higher education through the fossil fuel divestment activism. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.
Aikens, K. & *Koushik, J.R. (2016, April). Analysis of sustainability education policy across Canadian Ministries of Education: Implications for critical policy scholarship. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.
Murray, J. (2016, March). Student activism in Canadian higher education. Celebration of Research, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
Murray, J. (2016, March). Sustainability, students, and activism in Canadian higher education. The University of Saskatchewan Graduate Student Association (GSA) 2016 Graduate Student Conference, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
Koushik, J.R. (2016, March). (B)reaching all Students? Utilizing Black Feminist Theory to Unpack Cultural Considerations in Sustainability and Education Policy. The University of Saskatchewan Graduate Student Association (GSA) 2016 Graduate Student Conference, Saskatoon, SK.
Vizina, Y. (2016, March). Poster Presentation: Sustainability and Indigenous Knowledges in Aboriginal Post-Secondary Education Places of Learning. Celebration of Research, Scholarly, and Artistic Work. Host: University of Saskatchewan College of Education, Saskatoon, SK.
Vizina, Y. (2016, January). Connecting the Circle for Sustainability: Aboriginal Traditional Knowledges; Science Education, and Environmental Decision-Making. Anishinaabe Inendamowin Research Symposium: Rekindling Anishinaabe Inendamowin. Hosts: Anishinaabe Initiatives Division, Algoma University and the Shingwauk Kinoomaage Gamig. Sault Ste. Marie, ON.
Wright, T., *Vaughter, P., & Herbert, Y. (November, 2015). 50 Shades of Green: An Examination of Sustainability Policy on Canadian Campuses. Global Cleaner Production and Sustainable Consumption Conference 2015, Sitges, Spain.
Koushik, J.R. (2015, October). Inclusion Matters: Exploring Cultural Considerations in EC-12 Sustainability Education Policies (Presentation). 2015 North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) Research Symposium, San Diego, CA.
Koushik, J.R. (2015, October). Navigating Gender in EE Research (Research Workshop). Co-facilitators: Constance Russell, Lakehead University; Nicole Ardoin, Stanford University; Charlotte Clark, Duke University; Teresa Lloro-Bidart, California Polytechnic University; Marcia McKenzie, University of Saskatchewan; Alexa Scully, Lakehead University; Sarah Riggs Stapleton, University of Oregon. 2015 North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) Research Symposium, San Diego, CA.
Koushik, J.R. (2015, October). Sustainability Matters: The Utility of Environmental Education Research for Decision-Making (Presentation). 2015 North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.
Maina, N. (2015, October). Mobility and climate action: A review of the divestment movement in Canadian higher education institutions. Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education Conference and Expo, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Vizina, Y. (2015, September). Indigenous Worldviews in Informal Science Education (I-WISE) Conference. Imiloa Astronomy Center of Hawai’i and the Indigenous Education Institute, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA.
Vizina, Y. (2015, August). Indigenous Worldviews in Informal Science Education (I-WISE) Pre-Conference webinar. ‘Imiloa Astronomy Center of Hawai’i and the Indigenous Education Institute.
Vizina, Y. (2015, July). Sustainability and Indigenous Knowledge in Aboriginal Post-Secondary Education Places of Learning. Delta Kappa Gamma 2015 NW Regional Conference: 85 Years and Beyond – Advancing Key Women Educators for Life. Regina, SK.
McKenzie, M., Rickinson, M., Bengtssen, S., Lysgaard, J.G., Van Poeck, K., Loones, J., Wals, A., van Raaij, R., Brummel, M., & Reid, A. (2015, July). Environment, Sustainability, and Education Policy Research. Presented at the 8th Annual World Environmental Education Congress, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Kronlid, D.O., McKenzie, M., Lotz-Sisitka, H., & Dirwai, C. (2015, June). Pluralism and cognitive injustice—A fruitful juxtaposition of epistemic autonomy and plurality in climate change education research and praxis. Presented at the 8th Annual World Environmental Education Congress, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Young, A. (2015, June). Free for all: An analysis of sustainability in education teacher resources across Canada. Presented at the 8th Annual World Environmental Education Congress, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Koushik, J.R. (2015, March). Privilege and Omission: Ecological Worldviews and Sustainability Education (Presentation). The University of Saskatchewan Graduate Student Association (GSA) 2015 Graduate Research Conference on Curiosity, Saskatoon, SK.
Maina, N. (2015, March). Climate Action: A review of the divestment movement in Canadian PSE institutions. Graduate Students Association Conference, Saskatoon, SK, Canada.
McKenzie, M. (2014, November). Education policy mobility and materiality: Towards critical understandings of sustainability in higher education. Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.
McKenzie, M. (2014, November). Researching sustainability in education: Exploring design and methodological implications from large-scale collaborative research. Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.
McKenzie, M., & Ferreira, J. (2014, November). Rethinking the potential of practice in contributing to policy development. Presented at the Australian Association for Environmental Education Conference 2014, Hobart, Australia.
McKenzie, M. (2014, October). Exploring the relationship between politics, economics, and environmental education research. Presented at the 11th North American Association for Environmental Education Research Symposium, Ottawa, Canada.
McKenzie, M., Wals, A., *Hargis, K., Millsip, K., & Chopin, N. (2014, October). Sustainability and education policy: National research on K-12 and higher education in Canada. Presented at the 43rd North American Association for Environmental Education Conference, Ottawa, Canada.
Lidstone, L., Wright, T., & Sherren, K. (2014, October). Content analysis of sustainability policies and plans from STARS-rated Canadian higher education institutions. Presented at the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education 2014 Conference and Expo, Portland, United States of America.
Bentham, D. (2014, September). Environmental sustainability education policy in Canadian Aboriginal education contexts. Presented at Wahkohtowin, Saskatoon, Canada.
Vaughter, P., McKenzie, M., Wright, T., Lidstone, L., & Aikens, K. (2014, January). Sustainability in Canadian Postsecondary Education: A Comparative Analysis of How Institutions are Engaging with Sustainability. Presented at the Copernicus Conference, Cheltenham, United Kingdom.
Vaughter, P. (2013, October). 50 Shades of Green: An Examination of Sustainability Policy on Canadian Campuses. Presented at the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education 2013 Conference and Expo, Nashville, United States of America.
Lidstone, L., Wright, T., & Sherren, K. (2013, August). Greening the Ivory Tower: An Analysis of Sustainability Policy in Post-Secondary Education. Presented at the Canadian Association of Geographers 2013 Annual Meeting, St. John’s, Newfoundland.
Haluza-DeLay, R., McKenzie, M., & *Vaughter, P. (2013, June). A Grounded Approach to Researching Sustainability in Educational Policy and Practice. Presented at the 7th Annual World Environmental Education Congress, Marrakech, Morocco.