Marcia McKenzie
Marcia McKenzie is Professor in Global Studies and International Education in MGSE at the University of Melbourne, Australia; and Professor on leave at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada. She is a member of the Royal Society of Canada’s College of New Scholars, Artists, and Scientists; and Director of the $4.5M SSHRC-funded Monitoring and Evaluating Climate Communication and Education (MECCE) Project and of the Sustainability and Education Policy Network ( Her research program includes both theoretical and applied components at the intersections of comparative and international education, global education policy research, and climate and sustainability education, including in relation to policy mobility, place, affect, and other areas of social and geographic study. She is co-author of Place in Research: Theory, Methodology, and Methods (Routledge, 2015) and Critical Education and Sociomaterial Practice: Narration, Place, and the Social (Peter Lang, 2016), and co-editor of Land Education: Rethinking Pedagogies of Place from Indigenous, Postcolonial, and Decolonizing Perspectives (Routledge, 2016) and Fields of Green: Restorying Culture, Environment, and Education (Hampton, 2009); and co-edits the Palgrave book series Studies in Education and the Environment. She has also recently authored or co-authored three global UNESCO reports, including ‘Country progress on climate change education: A review of national submissions to the UNFCCC,’ and ‘ESD and GCED up close: Cognitive, social and emotional and behavioral learning in Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship Education from pre-primary to secondary education,’ and ‘Learn for our planet: A global review of how environmental issues are integrated in education.’
Nicola Chopin
Nicola Chopin began as the Project Manager for the Sustainability and Education Policy Network (SEPN) when the Network was established in 2012. In 2020, she started as the Senior Project Manager of the Monitoring and Evaluating Climate Communication and Education (MECCE) Project. Nicola has contributed to many UNESCO, MECCE Project, and and SEPN reports. She lead planning for the 2019 Annual Conference of the Canadian Network for Communication and Environmental Education (EECOM), the first national conference in Canada to focus on climate change education. She holds a Masters in Applied Social Psychology, and her work has a focus on evaluation, monitoring, and community-university partnerships. Nicola has coordinated multi-methods research in a wide variety of social science areas including climate change education, sustainability education policy, sustainability education, health science education, quality of life, poverty, homelessness, crime prevention, and community perceptions of crime. In addition to managing SEPN’s research and administration, Nicola has contributed extensively to SEPN’s communications, including designing research briefs, infographics, and reports. She has represented the MECCE Project at UN Climate Change conferences several times, and co-led planning of the UNFCCC’s 2023 National Action for Climate Empowerment Focal Points Academy.

Partners and Collaborators

Organizations & Institutions

Assembly of First Nations

Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education

Australasian Campuses Towards Sustainability

Australian Association for Environmental Education

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

Canadian Commission for UNESCO

Canadian Federation of Students

Centre for Environment Education

Centre for Sustainable Futures, Columbia University

Climate Action Network-Réseau action climat

Climate Outreach

Dalhousie University

David Suzuki Foundation


EECOM (Canadian Network for Environmental Education and Communications)

Environment and Climate Change Canada

Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges

Foundation for Environmental Education

Freie Universität Berlin

Global Centre on Adaptation

Global Youth Education Network

IEA (International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement)

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

International Association of Universities

International Institute for Sustainable Development

Learning for a Sustainable Future

Manitoba Education

Métis National Council

Monash University

Mount Royal University

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

North American Association for Environmental Education

Rhodes University


Sierra Youth Coalition


Sustainability Solutions Group

Sustainability Victoria

Sustainable Development Solutions Group Australia/Pacific

SWEDESD (Swedish International Centre of Education for Sustainable Development)

UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network

UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)

UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report

UNESCO International Bureau of Education

UNESCO International Institute for Information Technologies in Education

UNESCO Mahatma Gandhi Centre

UNESCO Office for Climate Education

UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) Secretariat

UNFCCC-Education, Communication and Outreach Stakeholders

University at Albany—SUNY

University of Cambridge

University of Education Freiburg

University of Melbourne

University of Saskatchewan

Vancouver School Board Environmental Sustainability Audit


Aaron Benavot, University at Albany—SUNY
Alex Wilson, University of Saskatchewan
Allen Hill, Ara Institute of Canterbury
Ann Dale, Royal Roads University
Arjen Wals, Wageningen University
Astrid Carrapatoso, University of Education Freiburg
Brett Levy, University at Albany—SUNY
Chelsea Willness, University of Calgary
Christopher Piech, Stanford University
Edgar González-Gaudiano, Universidad Veracruzana
Ellen Field, Lakehead University
Elsa Lee, University of Cambridge
Esther Care, University of Melbourne
Eureta Rosenberg, Rhodes University
Gerald Fallon, University of British Columbia
Gerhard de Haan, Freie Universität Berlin
Heila Lotz-Sisitka, Rhodes University
Hildegard Diemberger, University of Cambridge
Ingrid Schudel, Rhodes University
Inka Bormann, Freie Universität Berlin
Jeana Krieweldt, University of Melbourne
Jo-Anne Dillabough, University of Cambridge
Joe Henderson, Paul Smith’s College
John Pomeroy, University of Saskatchewan
John Quay, University of Melbourne
Jonas Andreasen Lysgaard, Aarhus University
Julie McLeod, University of Melbourne
Lausanne Olvitt, Rhodes University
Licho López López, University of Melbourne
Lucie Sauvé, Université du Québec à Montréal
Marcia McKenzie, University of Saskatchewan and University of Melbourne
Mark Rickinson, Monash University
Maureen Reed, University of Saskatchewan
Michael Peters, Waikato University
Nicole Ardoin, Stanford University
Nina Kolleck, University of Potsdam
Oren Pizmony-Levy, Columbia University
Patricia Bromley, Stanford University
Paul Howard-Jones, University of Bristol
Paul McNicholas, McMaster University
Radhika Iyengar, Columbia Earth Institute
Randy Haluza-DeLay, Kings University College
Ranjan Datta, Mount Royal University
Rob O’Donoghue, Rhodes University
Ryan Walker, University of Saskatchewan
Sachi Ninomiya-Lim, Tokai University
Scott Bell, University of Saskatchewan
Stefan Bengtsson, Uppsala University
Susie Ho, Monash University
Tarah Wright, Dalhousie University
Zintle Songqwaru, Rhodes University