Alan Reid is Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education at Monash University. He has over 20 years experience in developing and communicating research with a wide range of stakeholders on education, environment and sustainability topics. Originally based at the University of Bath’s Centre for Research in Education and the Environment, since the mid-1990s he has been involved in an equally wide range of community, policy, academic, knowledge transfer and public engagement activities, particularly in relation to studies published in the research journal he has edited for the last 10 years, Environmental Education Research.  Alan also contributes to a broad range of research- and development-focused events for environmental and sustainability education associations and networks around the world. Recent work has been with the North American Association for Environmental Education, New Zealand Association for Environmental Education, Australian Association for Environmental Education, the World Environmental Education Congress, and the European network on Environmental and Sustainability Education.  Finally, at Monash University, besides overseeing the work of the teaching and learning programmes offered by the Faculty of Education, Alan sponsors a series of events and projects focused on fostering more critical conversations about what is required for ‘better teaching and better learning’, alongside promoting more visual and creative approaches to representing and discussing education. This includes through still and moving images, such as on the themes of Metaphors in Education, and Education in Metaphors, and education as transformation.

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